Every day in Johnston County, children are placed in foster care or moved to another foster family or local children's home. Also, many foster kids age out of the system without ever being adopted! They all need as much support as we can give them.
For the smaller kids:
Help us provide these kids with essentials like a blanket, hygiene kit, coloring book, and crayons, and a small toy. Older children would enjoy a journal and art supplies. An additional item that is often left behind is a bag to carry their items in.
For the aged-out youth:
Help us provide these older kids with essentials like a sheet set, towels and washcloths, a hygiene kit, gift cards to local fast food restaurants, gas cards, quarters for laundromats, and other necessary items.
Hygiene Kits!
Include a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, ChapStick, soap, washcloth, or scrunchie, and deodorant. It would be helpful to pack the items in a toiletry bag. An additional comforting item is a nice warm pair of socks.
Donations by Mail Donations can be mailed to us at the following address: REACH Mentoring Ministries PO Box 2631 Smithfield, NC 27577
Please make checks payable to "REACH Mentoring Ministries"
Please keep us in prayer as we continue to prepare for these young people to become involved, be encouraged, and know that they are loved. If you are interested in supporting this outreach, please contact Susan at 919-262-4713. We are so excited for what God is going to do through this ministry and in the lives of these young people!
R.E.A.C.H Mentoring Ministries is an IRS registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID EIN - 81-4795555